Call for fitness industry stakeholders around the world to unite on 1st June
A worldwide industry-led campaign that calls for fitness club owners, operators and professionals to post a consumer facing message that identifies why exercise is important and that gyms are safe is to be held on 1st June.
Conceived by industry consultant and international speaker Justin Tamsett, the campaign calls for stakeholders in the business of fitness all around the world to, as Tamsett explains “to hijack every social media platform with these two simple messages: exercise is medicine and (that) gyms are safe.”
Explaining his motivation for launching the initiative, Tamsett advises “no matter what aspect of the industry we look at we have all taken a hit - owners, trainers, group fitness instructors, suppliers, business coaches and associations. No one has escaped COVID-19.
“With governments across the globe knowing that exercise … helps the mental as well as physical health of people … now we must unite and to show solidarity and deliver the message to our communities.
“Additionally, while (up to) 40% of our members feel safe to return to our clubs there is still a group that don’t and together the industry can reinforce that gyms are safe.”
On 1st June, Tamsett wants “every fitness business on the planet” to post a consumer facing message that identifies why exercise is important and that gyms are safe.
He also hopes that at least 50% of fitness industry employees posts a similar message and for 25% of members to share why they love their gym.
Tamsett (pictured below) acknowledges that different nations and states are at different stages of lockdown but sees that the message need to be the same, adding “your county, state or even country politicians might just take notice if there is a ground swell saying gyms are safe.”
The campaign calls for every fitness business, supplier, staff member and members to post on their social media platforms this style of message on 1st June, that gyms and fitness studios are safe and the place to build: immunity, strength, energy, motivation, positive mindset, resilience to stress, happiness, mental alertness and friendship circles – using the hashtags #gymsaresafe and #exerciseismedicine
Tamsett states “you can do a static image, a video message, a long post or even a Tic Toc (but) the key to this is to use the two hash tags #gymsaresafe #exerciseismedicine, so for 24 hours this is a trending topic across the platforms and the world.
“This ‘Call-to-Arms’ has deliberately been kept simple, to allow businesses of all sizes to be involved and then add their own brand to it.
“There is no website for you to sign to or a lead capture activity for gyms and studios who participate. This is just a coordinated approach to dominating social media for one day.”
Suggested Actions
For Businesses
Suggested copy for your team with the image, ‘We care about your health.
Your gym/studio/trainer are ready now to help you get healthy and build your immunity. #gymsaresafe #exerciseismedicine.’
For Teams
It would be ideal for them to post their own message, rather than share something from the club or studio. Suggested copy for your team with the image, ‘Exercise is important to everyone’s health. Come and visit me at a [insert gym/studio name]. #gymsaresafe #exerciseismedicine’
For Members
It would be ideal for the members to post their own message, rather than share something from the club or studio. Suggested copy for your members:
• ‘I feel comfortable going to my gym/studio/with my trainer. You can too. #gymsaresafe #exerciseismedicine’; or
• ‘I love [insert gym name] #gymsaresafe #exerciseismedicine’
Tamsett continues “this is not a political message - the success of this attack must be non-political (but) now is the time for the fitness industry to call on our troops as we go to battle across the globe to ignite our industry and bring confidence to our product and locations.
“Together we have enormous reach, so let’s unite on the 1st June to blitz every social media platform.”
Tamsett suggests that on 2nd June supporters can collect their data on the campaign and then send that as a message to your local politicians.
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